Say goodbye to constrained, slow

motor accessibility software

AI-powered computer navigation software that enables motor impaired users to execute almost any task, just with their voice, regardless of accessibility support.

See The Features


Americans have some form of motor impairement.


of the top one million web pages have accessibility issues.


of disabled users experience issues with accessibility software.

Using speech, language, and vision AI to empower motor-impaired computer users

Actain is desktop software that takes in users' natural language, converts it to computer instructions, then executes them by combining APIs and AI-powered cursor and keyboard control.


Voice Activated

Using a local speech recognition model, Actain constantly listens for an activation keyword that is set by the user. Once said, the user can issue commands to Actain using just their voice—much like a virtual assistant.


Comprehends Instructions

Using a local large language model, Actain can comprehend a large range of voice-issued instructions. It converts natural language into proprietary commands that are then executed by its core symbolic reasoning engine.


Symbolically Reasons

Actain uses a symbolic reasoning engine, which is a traditional computer algorithm, to parse proprietary command tokens generated by its large language model into proper API calls or computer vision instructions.


Leverages APIs

When possible, Actain will take advantage of system and third-party APIs to execute certain instructions, ensuring it reliably performs, at a minimum, equally well as current accessibility solutions.


AI Input Control

When APIs are not capable or availible, Actain will use a large action model—based on computer vision—to control the mouse and keyboard as a unimpaired user would. This allows Actain to execute almost any task.


Custom Routines

Actain allows users to train its models to replicate a certain task, which is shown to them on-screen during training mode. These routines can fill gaps in API support or be used to automate repetitive tasks.


Fully Local and Offline

Recent AI advancements allow large, sometimes billion-parameter models to run on relatively low-memory consumer devices. This allows Actain to run entirely offline, ensuring user privacy, data security, and reliability.


Low Latency

Due to Actain's models running entirely on-device, the time it takes to process commands, execute them, or conduct custom routine training is extremely low. This ensures a seamless user experience.


Universal Accessibility

The primary caveat of most accessibility solutions is that they rely on websites and apps to support them. Actain, as its AI emulates unimpaired users' actions, does not require any support from programs to function.

Removes the expense and constraints, keeps the reliability and capability

Compared with competing accessibility solutions for the motor impaired, Actain is equally reliable, more capable, and faster.





Screen Reading

Speech Recognition

Voice Control

Automated Routines

Natural Language Commands

Text Summarization

Universal Program Support

Mobile Support

Bypass the lack of accessibility support on websites, apps, and OSs

Actain's large action model controls devices like humans, allowing it to reliably navigate and type on most programs that lack proper accessibility support.

AI Cursor and Keyboard Control

Does a program not integrate with OS accessibility features? Does a website not have the proper information for traditional tools to help? Either way, Actain can still navigate and type on them. By employing computer-vision-powered cursor and keyboard control, Actain can interact with any program or website, and much faster than traditional grid-based clicking backup.

Text Summarization

Document skimming is often difficult for those with motor impairments, yet it is incredibly useful for saving time. Using a large language model, Actain can summarize documents, articles, and emails, allowing users to quickly understand their contents.

Revolutionary accessibility on your favorite operating systems, they're all supported.

Actain can be downloaded for motor impaired users on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It's also availible on mobile devices, such as Android and iOS.